Bugs or how to's will go here.

The Fight

Phase 1: Logdashing

After the DPS has pinpointed the Teralyst, the VS (Void Strike) players will then dash forward as far as they can, other wide known as "Logdashing", What this does is force spawn Vomvalyst, making it easier for the DPS to fast charge his lure.

Phase 2: Coordination

  • Volt will proceed to Archwing to the Eidolon after logdashing.

  • Harrow will also proceed to Archwing to the Eidolon after logdashing.

  • Trinity will leave to grab a lure from their most comfortable spot, then head to the Teralyst to help out with the shields.

  • DPS will be charging the lure they grabbing from the forced spawned voms that logdashing has provided, once complete, they will proceed to Archwing to the Eidolon after logdashing.

Phase 3: Shooting (Precharge)

  • Trinity You will proc Virtous Shadow by dashing on the Eidolon Head, go back behind Volt’s shield, grab a wisp if there are wisps and start to shoot the first shield. When the shield will be down, stop your lure you precedently hacked in Twin Horns.

  • DPS After spawning wisps, while Trinity takes down the shield, buff yourself however you buff yourself, depending on the frame you chose to play.

  • Harrow When you see the Eidolon about to start an Energy Spike, return to your frame and get ready, when the energy spike starts, press your 4 and protect your squad with Covenant. You will do this each time each run in each Eidolon.

  • Volt While harrow returns in his frame, you can proceed to go under the Eidolon again to place another shield. You will do this each time each run in each Eidolon after a limb is broken.

  • Trinity Again, you can proceed to damage and destroy another shield, in this way, you did 2 shields, remember you must stop your lure before doing another shield, so DPS can take it.

Phase 4: Heal Phase & Looting

  • When the Eidolon enters healing phase, the DPS can shoot at the Eidolon to kill some Voms, since during healing phase, Voms will always spawn, this can easily charge lures and getting ready for the next Eidolon quicker.

  • Volt will stack 3-5 shields at once in a place so the DPS can shoot through it, gaining a 250% Electricity damage bonus and additional Critical Damage, resulting in faster capture shot.

  • Harrow will cast 4th right as the Eidolon gets back up from healing, resulting in a Critical Chance buff for the DPS to again, result in faster capture shot.

  • Host should NEVER grab loot in Archwing because it will move the loot, for client it's safe, but it's recommend to stay in void mode for grabbing loot since 1.) you can put in shard as operator and 2.) stacking more void strike.

Phase 5: Gantulyst & Hydrolyst

  • Since this is the precharge run, it is still Volts turn to shoot, you only need to shoot once until you run out of your void strike charges, if the Trinity took 2 Teralyst shields, you should be out by the last Gantulyst shield. After the Volt is out, then it is Harrow's turn to shoot.

  • Same rules apply to the Harrow for Hydrolyst.

Phase 6: Final teleporting

  • Volt will still place shields for the DPS to do capture shot quicker, but this time the Trinity will teleport the Hydrolyst loot the gate.

Phase 7: After precharge

  • Everything listed above will still apply after the precharge run, but this time instead of taking turns to shoot because of the massive void strike charges, everyone will shoot besides the DPS.

Captures are showing up as kill stats, what gives?

It could be that you were too far from lures explosion after the initial capture, typically this happens in a Volt or Trinity since 1.) Preshields and 2.) Gathering lures, being late at Shrine can cause this pretty often. This can also be caused when the DPS is firing too fast and get some desync.

Abilities are locked on a duration, what gives?

Simply go into K-Drive, Archwing, or jump in the water and it should unbug you.

I'm only seeing 2 voms, what gives?

This is not a bug, rather someone in your squad is loading too slow and 3 voms are not spawning because of this. Common in squads with high ping.

How do i proc Virtuous Shadow?

Since you have to get a headshot in order to proc it, you have to get a headshot on the Eidolon. Now this doesn't mean you should shoot it with your amp, because that will consume a Void Strike charge, Rather you void dash on the head back and fourth until it is procced.

I'm not critting with Virtuous Shadow?

If you're not using Raplak, that is because your amp is not 100% Critical Chance, therefore you still have the chance to not crit at all.

What is waterlimb?

Waterlimb indicates that the Eidolon is emerging from the water, this could be for the Gantulyst/Hydrolyst at their spawn point next to the Shrine, or when the Teralyst is emerging after loading into the plains.

Why aren't my projectiles hitting waterlimb?

This is because currently all projectiles are bugged and will NOT hit waterlimb, as of now only hitscan weapons will connect and deal damage.

What is the deal with Lega Prism?

Unfortunately due to the bug with Fortuna amps, Lega Prism has the most chance out of every prism to bug your amp, How it does it ~ Lega Prism has a high chance to either decrease your total base damage or make your critical chance decreased to where you won't crit at all for watershield.

How do I fast charge?

Should I follow Leyzar for Eidolon stuff

no lmao

Why is Propa for experienced folks?

Propa requires extra timing & coordination to be the most effective for a standard squad compared to Shraksun.

How do I sync my instance?

After you are sure you made your squad, you can proceed with syncing. In order to sync, you have to restart your game first, so Warframe will download a new Worldstate, then take your frame and your builds, go in a Cetus session alone and enter in your plains. Now with your browser open tenno.tools and look in the upper right corner how much time until night you got. Open your inGame map by holding M (by default) and see how much difference there is between your game and tenno.tools, for example if your game says 10 minutes, but tenno tools says 9.30, you are already 30 seconds off sync. If your game will tick 8 minutes until night and tenno.tools is at 8 minutes and 40 seconds, means you are 20 seconds off sync. In order to get a good sync, you have to find a session which has a maximum offset of 30 seconds. If higher, abort your mission, go back to your ship and join plains again through your solar chart. Keep doing this until you can find a session which has less than 30 seconds off your timer. If you get one, you can invite your squad and begin your hunt. This means potentially getting a long night which might last more than 50 minutes.

What's the maximum amount of Armor strip required?

99.9%, You can achieve this when your team runs 3 Corrosive Projection & 2 Coaction Drift.

What Arcanes should I run?

Well, for the DPS it entirely depends on the weapon being used. Typically it's either:

  • 1 Momentum 1 Acceleration

  • 1 Energize 1 Acceleration

  • 1 Energize 1 Momentum

For non DPS it's simply 2x Nullifier or 1x Energize and 1x Nullifier

Last updated