Role Jobs

Thanks to Adder for providing the following info. <3

Chroma (DPS)

Chroma, being one of the more advanced frames out of the standard meta, has more to do in a hunt. His main job is to take out limbs, but also to charge lures and spawn Unairu Wisp for his team. Vex Armor, his 3rd ability, gives him a damage buff (typically around 800-900% more dmg), which can be gained from using a self damage weapon like Cerata or Hikou (see builds for more info). Elemental Ward offers reload speed if you have green energy, making it easier to build shot combo.

Trinity (VS)

Trinity’s main job is to get lures for the team, heal, and assist in charging them. Each run she gets a total of 7 lures. 2 are left at Teralyst for Chroma to charge, while the other 5 are for her to keep with her. Casting Blessing works on healing the lures and gives up to 75% damage reduction to the team.

Volt (VS)

Volt is the frame considered least replaceable in a squad. His 3rd ability places a shield that buffs crit damage by 200%, which applies to both amps and weapons. His shields are placed under, in front, or behind the Eidolon depending on which amp you have. For Shraksun shields, placing the shield under the heel and shooting through it will give you more hits than hitting any other part of the Eidolon. If someone has Propa, then shields are best placed in front as opposed to behind. In more advanced squads, Volt typically places shields at the 4 spawns at the lake so the team can shoot as soon as the Eidolon is spawned. This is called preshielding, and as long as you have enough duration, you should start preshielding when the Eidolon starts to stands up for capshot. (note to panther: include preshield location)

Harrow (VS)

Harrow is a more easy frame compared to the others, since his only job is to use Covenant to negate magnetic damage after each limb is popped and cast it on capshot. Covenant also provides a crit chance buff, which helps your Chroma’s damage. It’s recommended to use 85-95% duration, since your ability has a cooldown.

Ivara (DPS)

Ivara, while a more difficult option, can replace Chroma’s role as DPS. She is most often used with Castanas or any other projectile weapon (you can even use Wolf Sledge!). Just like Chroma, she uses Unairu Wisp. But instead of shooting normally, her Navigator ability allows her to place Castanas or control the direction of a projectile. Navigator gives damage buff for every second that the projectile is controlled, making Ivara an effective frame.

Oberon (DPS/VS)

Oberon can replace multiple frames, since he can heal lures, damage buff, and negate status effects. Renewal works on lures, his Smite Infusion augment gives a Radiation damage buff, and Hallowed Ground removes any status effect when you stand on it.

Mirage (DPS)

Mirage’s Eclipse grants a multiplicative damage buff when standing in light, and because the Plains is quite dark at night, a self heat proc is used to apply the buff. The most commonly used weapon is Secura Penta, and with heat mods, will put a heat proc on your frame if used correctly. Even though her damage buff is stronger than Chroma’s (Mirage is multiplicative while Chroma is additive), she isn’t commonly used because the amount of timing required. Harrow’s Covenant will remove the heat damage, and unless you have a riven with Status Duration, it doesn’t last too long.

Rhino (DPS)

Rhino also works the same as Chroma, but is much easier since you don’t need a self damage weapon. His Roar ability gives a damage buff, which unlike Chroma’s, scales with +dmg mods like Serration. Iron Skin can give you more survivability on top of that.

Titania (DPS)

Titania’s Razorwing ability puts her into a tiny Archwing mode and lets her use her Dex Pixia weapon, which is used to shoot limbs. However, the ability will be spammed because of how often wisping is needed.

Garuda (DPS)

Garuda is one of the easier DPS frames, since she requires almost no mods on her. Her passive gives her a 100% damage buff, which is multiplicative to +dmg mods like Rhino. You want to keep her health as low as possible, since that’s how you get her passive to work. If you’re using Garuda, make sure that your team is not running Magus Repair, and you probably want to tell your Trinity to not bless as much.

Octavia (DPS)

Octavia’s Amp can be casted and when standing on it, will give a damage buff (which is additive like Chroma’s). Metronome gives a multishot buff when firing to the timing of the song that she has on.

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